
Quality and Environmental Policy


ISO 9001:15 e ISO 14001:15: Manufactoring and stamping of metallic components.

IATF 16949:16: Manufactoring and stamping of metallic components.

Forminsa is aware of the demands, requirements and expectations of the Clients, as well as our external and internal factors and the involvement of relevant stakeholders for the quality and environmental management system. Therefore FORMINSA commits to meet all the applicable legal requirements and regulations.

For this we acquire the commitments as follows:


FORMINSA’s Quality and Environmental policy is geared towards the manufacture of accurate metal stamping products which are competitive in the global market of subcontracting, heading our efforts towards the goal of 0 defects, optimizing all our procedures which place us at the top of service excellence and support our strategic direction.

Also, we must achieve maximum productivity in order to obtain economic surplus.

Our Human Team:

Promote and integrate FORMINSA’s values detailed on the following items:

  • An EVENTUAL problem for the client is an eventual problem for us
  • Encourage self-improvement
  • Financial Responsibility
  • Participation and Cooperation
  • Encourage Teamwork
  • Encourage Initiative and Innovation
  • Trust and respect among people

Social Commitment:

Continuous improvement towards LABORAL RISKS and respect for the ENVIRONMENT, based on the following guidelines:

  • Design procedures that enable a reduction of the Environmental Impact during the activity, assessing this impact beforehand for the implementation of new activities and/or services.
  • Reduce polluting emissions to a minimum, as well as noise and waste, with the aim of preserving natural resources and the environment.
  • Implement sustainable development for which we focus on reducing the carbon footprint (CO2) that the company generates in its production process. In this way we hope to contribute to achieving the objectives set by the EU in terms of emissions.
  • Promote and achieve a stimulating, motivating environment among all staff members, as well as their sense of responsibility in terms of Quality and Environment and Laboral risks.
  • We participate in the cfsi (conflict-free sourcing initiative), ensuring the reasonable Country of Origin for the materials affected.

Creativity and innovation make up our daily challenge for continuous improvement.

These guidelines are headed towards continuous improvement, whose cornerstones are the right use of our Quality and Environment Manual, and Forminsa's internal regulations in accordance with the norms: UNE EN-ISO 9001:2015, IATF 16949:16 and UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015.

With the conviction of being useful to society, clients and suppliers, and with the aim of creating a better future for the company.

Josep Codina

General Manager

Castellbell i el Vilar, January 26th 2022