

FORMINSA was founded with the conviction that the design and manufacture of bending machines would provide a competitive advantage, unattainable by many. Innovation, aggressiveness and responsible risk-taking, combined with a vision of the future, continue to motivate us.

Our commitment of providing industrial rationalization to the products of our clients, while increasing the added value of our own manufactures, places us within a dynamic of constant development and innovation. For this purpose, we rely on a broad engineering team.

Analysis of an engineering project
New materials for molding tool: application of metal coverings by cold injection on high performance concrete

The aim of this project and group is the development of a ceramic-cover system for the manufacture of moulds. Therefore, new high-performance ceramic materials are to be researched and developed, among which we will include concrete, to be covered with metallic material in cold injection.

Partner companies:

Technology centre partner:


The main goal of this project is to research and develop a ceramic-cover system that enables the construction of matrixes and molding tools with optimized surface properties for each application, while enabling a considerable weight reduction of matrixes (power saving when these are mobile), and reduce economic and power costs derived from the construction of the metallic matrix. The investigation proposed—the development of a ceramic-cover system—is utterly ground-breaking at a global scale.

Gráfico tensional Piezas embutidas